• Pond

Étangs d'Étrembières

This natural area located on the banks of the river Arve is made up of 3 stretches of water. It is classified as a biotope and provides a habitat for several species of protected animals and plants on both a regional and national level, such as beavers, little grebes, common reed buntings and reed warblers.

Pond Étangs d'Étrembières Étrembières


Étrembières (74100)
Unguided individual tours available permanently

This site is a protected site of particular interest. It deserves your full attention and should be seen as a fragile area, home to flora and fauna protected by a preservation order.


Free access.


Languages spoken : French
Languages of documentation : French


All year round.


Chemin des Grandes îles Le Pas de l'Échelle 74100 Étrembières
Information update on 17/05/2024 by Office de Tourisme des Monts du Genevois