• Shops

Sport 2000

Sports shop: sports clothing and accessories for sale.
Skis and bicycle rentals: tandem, mountain bike, electric bicycle, trailers for children.

Shops Sport 2000 Faverges-Seythenex


Faverges-Seythenex (74210)

    1 2


    Methods of payment accepted : Check, Cadhoc cheque, American Express, Bank/credit card, Cash, Travellers Cheque, Credit transfer


    Languages spoken : English, French
    Languages of documentation : French


    From 01/01 to 31/12.
    Closed exceptionally on January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.

    • Bike hire
    • Ski touring equipment hire
    • Downhill ski hire
    • Snowshoe rental
    • Mountainbike hire
    • Repair kit
    • Snowboard rental
    • Battery assisted bike rental
    • Sale alpine ski
    • Sale of Snowboard
    • Sale snowshoes
    • Shoes
    • Sale of adult technical clothing
    • Sale of technical clothing for children
    • Sale of adult clothing
    • Sale of children's clothing
    • Sale of sportswear clothing


    Sport 2000 327 Chemin de Perouses ZA des Boucheroz Faverges 74210 Faverges-Seythenex

    More informations

    Information update on 21/08/2024 by Office de Tourisme des Sources du Lac d'Annecy