• Waterfall, Cliff

Sétives's Waterfall

Very nice waterfalls and landscape, at the gate of the Vanoise national Park.

Waterfall, Cliff Sétives's Waterfall Peisey-Nancroix


Peisey-Nancroix (73210)

Located in the valley of Peisey (south face sector), these waterfalls are more impressive in spring during the snow melt.
In winter, they are frozen, climbing is often forbidden because they are too close to the bearded lammergeyer's nesting area. In the evant of the vultures would not nest in this zone, they must be climbed only by cold and cloudy weather or early in the morning. All these waterfalls are facing south and are dominated by avalanche paths. They are quite situated between 1700m and 2100m. They take the sun 3 hours a day at the beginning of January and more than 5 hours a day in February. Generally, they are unavailable from the middle of February.
On sunny days, it is strongly recommended to start from the car park before 7 am.
Request information from the Mountain Guides office for ice climbing.

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    Throughout the year : open daily.


    73210 Peisey-Nancroix

    Located in the valley floor, after the Rosuel refuge. About 40 minutes of easy walking to find yourself in front of this beautiful waterfall.

    Information update on 12/08/2019 by Office de Tourisme de Peisey Vallandry