• Historic site and monument

St. Christopher's church

The nave is flanked by two groin-vaulted aisles, each with two spans. It is arch vaulted and divided by a transverse rib. The chancel was originally square and topped by a cupola. In 1866 it was transformed into a circular chancel with two spans.

Historic site and monument St. Christopher's church Morillon


Morillon (74440)
Animals not allowed

The residents decided to extend the old chapel in 1577 (date above the door where the traces of an escutcheon and crown removed by the revolutionaries in 1793 can be seen). Above the door are double windows and a small steeple which has recently been carefully restored. The nave is flanked by two groin-vaulted aisles, each with two spans. It is arch vaulted and divided by a transverse rib. The chancel was originally square and topped by a cupola. In 1866 it was transformed into a circular chancel with two spans. A capital with angel heads placed in one corner may come from the earlier chancel.

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    Animals not allowed


    All year: open every day.

    Labels and rating

    14th C


    Eglise Morillon village 74440 Morillon

    • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
    Information update on 06/02/2024 by Haut-Giffre Tourisme