• Cultural

The circuits of the chapels - Circuit of St Colomban des Villards

Two tours in the valley, the St Colomban des Villards one and the St Alban des Villards one. The document of the chapel tours is avaible on this page in downloading or at the tourist office.

Cultural The circuits of the chapels - Circuit of St Colomban des Villards Saint-Colomban-des-Villards


Departing from Saint-Colomban-des-Villards (73130)
Average length : 02h30
Total elevation gain : 100m
Distance : 8km
Animals allowed
Average duration of an individual visit : 02h30

Round trip by paths. Six chapels to visit.
The itinerary described is done on foot, but you can access all the chapels by road.

During the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth century, in each parish, rich people or farmers created chapels in order to be saved from a disaster.

1. Departure : On the parking of the town hall, there is the first chapel "Notre Dame des septs douleurs".
2. Follow the road on foot to St Alban in order to reach the hamlet of the Martinan in 10min, right there you'll find the chapel of Saint Claude. Saint Claude was a monk and then Besancon bishop in the seventh century. Built in 1598, the chapel is renovated in 1788 and then in 1989.
3. Reach the hamlet of Nanchenu by the direct route, then the chapel of "Notre Dâme des Grâces", at the hamlet of La Pierre. The origin of the chapel was lost but some writings confirm his existence in 1646. The chapel was renovated in 2006, particularly the floral pattern dating from the seventeenth century.
4.Then reach the play area at La Perrière by a path at Nanchenu, this path cross the Glandon. Cross the park and come back by the D927.
5. Follow the road heading to the Glandon pass and fork toward the hamlet of La Chal, back then this hamlet was the one with the most of inhabitants, in order to find the chapel dedicated to Saint Sebastien and Saint Roch. In 1598 the plague struck the inhabitants of Saint Colomban who erected the chapel in honor of these patron saints.
6. A few meters further, a bridge allow to cross the Glandon and arrive to Valmaure where there is the chapel of "Notre Dame des Neiges". Built in 1691 at the place of an oratory dedicated to "Notre Dame des Neiges" and St Antoine Abbé, guardian of livestock. The chapel contains two paintings of the 18th century, painted by Laurent Dufour.
7. Follow a little path which lead to the hamlet of la Sausse, then the hamlet of the Roches, where is located a chapel dedicated to "Notre Dame de Pitié" and Saint Roch. The chapel contains a painting of 18th century painted by Pignol, representing at the top a Piéta and at the bottom Saint Colomban.
8. Go up the street toward the top of the hamlet (on the right when we're in front of the chapel), from where the Pierre Bozon trail takes you back in a quarter of an hour to the center of Saint Colomban.

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    Free access.


    Animals allowed
    Languages spoken : French

    Period of practice

    All year round.

    • Pets welcome
    • Parking nearby


    Chef-lieu 73130 Saint-Colomban-des-Villards
    Departing from : Saint-Colomban-des-Villards (73130)
    Latitude : 45.294124 - Longitude : 6.226913
    Information update on 09/11/2022 by Office de tourisme Espace Glandon